Folic acid Foods for Pregnant Women


Pregnancy is a time of exciting change, full of hope and new beginnings. As your body supports your child’s growth and development, pregnancy food nutrition becomes more vital than ever. Among the numerous nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy, folic acid in diet stands out as a real superhero. This vital vitamin is critical in the initial stages of foetal development, preventing serious birth abnormalities and promoting rapid cell growth throughout the pregnancy. But how can you be certain that you are eating adequate foods with folic acid in your diet? The positive news is that folic acid rich foods are plentiful, flavourful, and simple to integrate into your regular diet.

In addition to whole foods, health supplements such as protein powders for pregnancy can benefit mother’s and foetal health by providing vital nutrients such as folic acid. This blog looks at the powerful benefits of consuming folic acid foods, highlights the best folate-rich foods to include in the diet during pregnancy, and shows you how to ensure you are reaching your nutritional requirements for a healthy pregnancy. Let’s plunge in!

Folic Acid vs. Folate

Folate refers to a naturally occurring group of B vitamins, often known as vitamin B9. Folic acid is a synthetic version of folate that is used in supplements and enriched/fortified foods to help people fulfil their daily folate requirements. Folic acid is especially crucial if you are trying to get pregnant or are already pregnant. It prevents foetuses from severe birth abnormalities.

Folic Acid Benefits in Pregnancy

Folate and folic acid are vital during pregnancy as they can help prevent neural tube issues like spina bifida. Spina bifida is among the most prevalent birth abnormalities. It can occur in the early weeks of pregnancy, while the spinal cord and brain are developing.

Most neural tube abnormalities can be avoided if you consume sufficient amounts of folate prior to and during the first trimester of pregnancy. You can obtain adequate folate by consuming folate-rich foods in addition to taking folic acid supplements and protein powders for pregnancy.

Folic Acid Foods for Pregnancy

Vitamin B9, also known as folate, occurs naturally in plenty of foods, and it is also present as folic acid that is found in fortified food.

It is suggested that healthy individuals consume minimum 400 mcg of folate each day to avoid insufficiency. Women of reproductive age must consume a minimum of 400 mcg of folic acid supplement daily, in addition to the amount that comes from fortified foods. Pregnant women are recommended to consume 600 mcg per day, or 1000 mcg if having twins, for proper growth and development of the foetus.

Here are some of the healthful food rich in folic acid:

1. Leafy Greens with Folate 

Leafy greens are among the best-known folate rich foods, and they should be an integral part of your pregnancy diet.

Leafy vegetables, like spinach, are high in vital minerals and vitamins, including folate. Spinach folate content is particularly noteworthy, with a single 30 g cup of raw spinach providing 58.2 mcg, which is approximately 15% of the Daily Value.

Leafy greens are also low in calories but high in fibre and both A and K vitamins. They have been linked to a number of health benefits.

2. High Folic Acid Vegetables 

In addition to leafy greens, a variety of folic acid-rich vegetables should be included in the daily diet. Broccoli, for instance, is high in folate, manganese, and vitamins K, A, and C. 

Another high-folate food is beetroot. They are also an excellent source of folate and are high in potassium, manganese, and vitamin C which are all essential nutrients.

Consuming these folic acid-rich vegetables on a regular basis ensures that you receive a variety of nutrients necessary for a healthy pregnancy.

3. Folate in Beans and Lentils

Legumes such as lentils, beans, and chickpeas are a great source of folic acid in the diet. These meals are loaded with plant-based protein, fibre, protein, antioxidants, and important vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and iron, making them ideal for pregnancy.

For instance, a single 177 g cup of cooked kidney beans has 131 mcg of folate, which is approximately 33% of one’s Daily Value (DV). Meanwhile, a 198 g cup of cooked lentils has approximately 358 mcg of folate, representing 90% of the DV.

Including legumes and beans in your diet is an excellent method to ensure you obtain enough folate while also meeting other nutritional needs.

4. Folic Acid in Citrus Fruits 

Citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, are not only delicious but also high in folate.

One large orange has 55 mcg of folate, which is approximately 14% of the DV.

In addition to folate, citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, another critical nutrient during pregnancy, which helps increase immunity, iron absorption, and aid in disease prevention.

Drinking a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning can help you meet your folate needs while giving you a healthy dose of vitamin C. It’s a simple and refreshing way to ensure you’re getting folate for pregnancy.

5. Avocados for Folic Acid-Rich Diet 

Avocados are among the best foods for prenatal health.

In addition to the buttery flavour and creamy texture, avocados are high in numerous essential nutrients. Avocado folate content is impressive, with a medium-sized avocado providing about 163 mcg of folate, which is almost 40% of the recommended daily requirement for pregnant women.

Avocados also contain healthy fats that are essential for foetal growth and development. They are also high in potassium, vitamins B6, K, and C.

6. Bananas as a Source of Folate

Bananas are another superfood with vitamin B9 (folic acid) that can be added to your list of high folate foods. A medium-sized banana provides 23.6 mcg of folate, which accounts for approximately 6% of the DV. Bananas are also high in potassium, manganese, and vitamin B6, making them a healthy snack for pregnant women.

7. Fortified Cereals with Folic Acid 

Incorporating fortified cereals into your meal is an easy method to boost your folate consumption. Many cereals are fortified with folic acid, which provides a considerable portion of the daily required consumption in one serving. However, the amounts vary depending on the brand and cereal type.

This makes fortified cereals a fantastic addition to your diet, particularly if you have a hectic morning schedule. To get the most out of your breakfast, look for healthy grains and low sugar alternatives.

8. Eggs with Natural Folate

Including eggs in your diet is a great way to increase your consumption of many vital nutrients, including folate. Just one big egg contains 22 mcg of folate, or about 6% of the daily value (DV). Including 2-3 eggs in your meals each week is a simple way to increase your folate consumption and fulfil your requirements. Eggs are high in protein, riboflavin, selenium, and vitamin B12.

9. Seeds and Nuts for Folate

There are numerous reasons to consider nuts and seeds as natural sources of folic acid in your pregnancy. In addition to being a good source of protein, they are high in fibre and contain plenty of the minerals and vitamins that your body requires.

Eating more seeds and nuts might also help you achieve your daily folate requirements; however, the amount of folate in various types of nuts and seeds can vary slightly. For instance, one ounce (28 g) of walnuts has approximately 28 mcg of folate, which is about 7% of the DV, whereas exactly the same serving of flax seeds has roughly 24 mcg folate, approximately 6% of the DV.

10. Folate in Okra

In addition to its exceptional ability to cleanse all parts of the gut of pollutants, okra is a good source of folate. About one cup of cooked okra contains approximately 37 mcg folate.


Folic acid is a vital nutrient for all pregnant women, benefiting both the mother and the foetus. You can meet your folate requirements by eating a range of folic acid-rich foods, such as leafy greens, legumes, citrus fruits, and fortified cereals. In addition to a well-balanced diet, you may want to consider folic acid supplements and health supplements like Prohance Mom to help you stay healthy during your pregnancy. Always speak with your healthcare practitioner or a nutritionist during pregnancy to ensure that you and your baby are getting the proper nutrition.

So, load your plate with nutrient-dense, folate-rich foods throughout pregnancy and take all the necessary precautions to keep you and your baby healthy!

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