Recharge Your Appetite: Speed Up Recovery After Surgery

How to recuperate faster due to loss of appetite after surgery

If you’re approaching surgery, it’s completely normal to experience anxiety. However, it’s essential to be aware that surgery-related stress can frequently lead to a decrease in appetite. Additionally, post-surgery dietary restrictions can pose challenges for the recovery process by limiting food intake. 

Don’t worry, though! We’ve got you covered with these effective appetite-boosting strategies: 

  1. Master Your Meal Schedule: When hunger cues seem absent, it’s vital to take charge. Plan your meals ahead to ensure a steady rhythm. Aim for a minimum of three meals daily, following your doctor’s or nutritionist’s guidance. Embrace a healthy eating routine with fixed intervals to jumpstart your metabolism and revitalise your appetite. Remember, it’s not about devouring massive meals but maintaining consistency throughout the day. Whenever hunger strikes, eat as much as you can, regardless of the usual portion size. If breakfast triggers your appetite, fuel up with a protein-packed feast, and then opt for lighter fare later.
  2. Savour the Goodness of Healthy Eating: When battling a lacklustre appetite, it’s tempting to settle for anything at all. But beware! Empty calories from snacks like potato chips or candy bars offer little nourishment. Instead, shift your focus to meals packed with protein, healthy fats, sprouts, and whole grains. Craving something sweet? Opt for nature’s treats like dates or indulge in yogurt topped with fresh berries—a healthier alternative that satisfies your taste buds and provides nutritional benefits.
  3. Add Some Fun Factor: Whenever possible, eat with company or while watching television. Engaging in conversation or watching TV can divert your attention from the food. Research shows that dining with others or eating in front of the television can boost your appetite considerably. Studies have shown that eating alone may be associated with a poor appetite (1).
  4. Liquid Nutri-Boost – Supercharge with Sippable Nutrition: If the thought of solid food isn’t tempting, consider substituting it with a liquid choice. Smoothies, for example, can provide ample protein and nutrients when solid food seems challenging. Avoid drinking water or other beverages immediately before a meal, as it can suppress your appetite. If you wish to eat a meal, refrain from consuming anything for 30 minutes prior to see if it improves your appetite.
  5. Indulge Your Taste Buds: When trying to boost your appetite, start with foods you genuinely enjoy. For instance, if fast food excites your taste buds, pair it with healthier options to boost nutritional value. The key is to have something on your plate that is visually appealing. Even if it means having the same meal twice in one day, it can help reignite your appetite and steer you back towards healthy eating habits. 

The above overall guidelines will be helpful for adults who are undergoing elective surgeries like getting kidney stones removed or other smaller procedures to regain their appetites(2). In many cases, your hunger pangs will return after the effects of the anaesthesia has worn off and the pain killer or antibiotic course has been completed, as per the nature of the procedure and your specific medical condition. 

Unlock the Power of Small Adjustments: Transform Your Recovery with Simplicity 

After non-abdominal surgeries like joint replacements, caesarean sections, organ replacements, hysterectomies, or heart surgeries, it may take a few days to a week for your appetite to return to normal. But if you’ve had an abdomen-related surgery like sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass, things are different. Studies show that up to 55% of patients experience partial to total appetite loss for up to 2 weeks after the operation (3). This interruption in ingestive processes can delay the resumption of your appetite.

Certain long-term or serious conditions are known to trigger reduced appetite. Studies have established that appetite loss can be related to not feeling well, lowered immune system function, or an upset stomach. Medical diseases that can cause appetite loss are digestive conditions such as Crohn’s disease or irritable bowel syndrome, Addison’s disease, asthma, diabetes, hypothyroidism, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), chronic liver or kidney disease, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), and AIDS (3).

Appetite loss after major surgeries: In other categories you may have a condition that is long-term like a type of cancer, a tumour, fibroids, or an infection that requires an operation. Also, you may experience appetite loss due to difficulty in swallowing and eating can be painful even with an empty stomach (1). Your condition may cause symptoms such as stress, depression, dehydration, nausea, and or pain, which kills your appetite for a longer time. Generally, the enlisted guidelines can be effective when they are followed in the company of loved ones, friends, or with a support group. For conditions that are more severe, your specialist can provide a revised set of meal guidelines to enhance your food intake.

Unleash the Secrets to Regain Hunger Pangs 
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water and other fluids, especially if you’re not eating. 
  • Stay active: Engage in light activity, such as walking or yoga, as it can help stimulate your appetite and preserve lean muscle mass.
  • Small versus large meals: Instead of consuming large meals, opt for small, frequent snacks that are nutrient dense. Keep your snacks easily accessible. Establish a meal schedule rather than relying solely on hunger cues, which may be absent. 
Side Effect Smarts: Mastering Symptom Management

After surgery, the first step is managing the symptoms you are experiencing, before you can regain your appetite. Your doctor may deal with the symptoms holistically, or address each symptom individually, depending on your medical history.

  • Mouth Sores: You can hasten alleviating the sore pain by rinsing your mouth several times a day with a solution of baking soda and salt in half cup of warm water.
  • Dry Mouth or Sore Throat: Increase your fluid intake and try sucking on ice cubes or lozenges. Include cold, soothing foods in your diet.
  • Nausea and Vomiting: Stick to bland, easily digestible foods and consider incorporating ginger or peppermint, which can help alleviate nausea.
  • Drink Adequately: Hydrating yourself adequately with fluids and electrolytes. Eat light foods and have plenty of juices and liquid meals (1) to help overcome any aversion to food you may be experiencing.
  • Fatigue: Prioritise consuming protein and nutrient-rich foods to boost your energy levels and support the healing process.
  • Loss of Smell and Taste: Experiment with new foods and seasonings to accommodate any changes in your preferences. During this time, you may find hyperpalatable foods like ice cream, chocolates, your favourite dessert, or fast foods more appealing.
  • Bad Taste in Mouth: Consider using mints, chewing gum, or lozenges, as they can be helpful in alleviating an unpleasant taste sensation.

As you prepare to leave the hospital after surgery or illness, prioritise the intake of essential proteins to support your healing process during your post-hospital recovery. 

Maintaining proper nutrition is vital for strengthening your immune system and enabling it to combat infections effectively. Rapid weight loss can result in muscle depletion, which can weaken you during the recovery phase. To ensure a swift and successful rebound, make sure to meet your specific nutritional requirements with the appropriate protein intake. 

Your Partner in Recovery: Prohance HP 

Jumpstart your path to recovery with Prohance HP supplement, your key to achieving balanced nutrition. This exceptional high-protein supplement is enriched with essential vitamins, fibers, and minerals, making it the perfect choice for elevating energy levels during post-illness or post-surgery recuperation. It’s also an excellent option for hospitalized patients, ensuring a swift recovery.

Why opt for Prohance HP? It’s a sugar-free, gluten-free, and trans-fat-free vegetarian formula, making it a secure choice for individuals with diabetes. With its specially crafted combination of whey protein concentrate, maltodextrin, and MCT (medium-chain triglycerides), it offers gentle digestive support. (6)

Let Prohance HP become your trusted companion on the journey to renewed health and recovery!

Enhancing the lives of recovering individuals


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