How To Manage Your Weight With Type 2 Diabetes – World Obesity Day 2022

world obesity day and diabetes

Obesity in India is increasing faster than the global average. As per statistical data, obesity in India is at 40.3%, higher among women (41.88%) than men (38.67%). Being overweight is also associated with several prominent healthcare concerns, such as type 2 diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure and even cancer. It is well-known that lifestyle and dietary […]

Why Is Protein An Essential Part Of Post-Surgery Care?

Protein Intake for Post-surgery Care

Most surgeries happen under general anesthesia. The post-surgery recovery phase depends upon multiple factors like the type of surgery, injury before the surgery, patient’s age, overall health and underlying medical conditions. While rest is vital during your recovery phase after surgery, eating a healthy, nutritious diet is equally important. Nutrients from food help the body […]

National Protein Day: Importance Of Proteins During Pregnancy

A pregnant woman snacking on protein-rich seeds and nuts

There is no denying that a woman’s body is extremely vulnerable during pregnancy. A lot of changes happen during this critical period – ranging from hormonal fluctuations to the growth of breast tissue. Hence, the importance of proteins can’t be overlooked during this period. Protein in pregnancy acts as a building block for the baby’s […]

How To Ensure My Child’s Daily Protein Requirement?

A little Indian girl having protein-rich food

A survey conducted in 2015 stated that only 9% of Indians get their daily protein requirement. For optimum and healthy growth and development, children must be given a balanced diet comprising proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals In India, however, carbohydrates form the significant bulk of a meal. Also, due to a large majority of the […]

How to Fulfil Daily Protein Requirement with Protein Rich Foods

A variety of food sources providing high protein

Protein is one of the most vital macronutrients required by the body to build muscles and repair damaged tissues. Unfortunately, the Indian diet is deficient in protein. A 2017 survey shows that 73% of Indians have a protein deficiency, while 90% are unfamiliar with everyday protein requirements With National Protein Day approaching on February 27, why not attempt to […]

The Role Of Dietary Proteins For People With Diabetes


Several myths related to protein consumption and blood sugar exist. Some people with type 2 diabetes believe that protein intake can raise their blood glucose levels, while others say high protein intake will always lead to diabetes. The prevalence of these myths has compelled people with diabetes to reduce their daily protein requirements. Many have even […]

Life-Changing Healthy Habits For People With Diabetes

Life-Changing Healthy Habits For People With Diabetes

New Year is the perfect time to change stubborn, unhealthy habits and discover an improved self. Most people make new year resolutions that include cutting down junk food intake, losing weight, and adopting several healthy habits. This becomes more important for people with diabetes. Controlling your blood glucose level is the best way to reduce […]

Avoid Pregnancy Complications During The Festive Times

A young man and a young pregnant woman dressed in festive wears walking happily

Pregnancy is the most precious time in a woman’s life. But with it comes several precautions to keep in mind to ensure a healthy baby, the foremost being related to diet. Watching what you eat is of extreme importance during this time. During the holiday season, however, you may often forget to take care of […]

4 Healthy Habits Your Kids Must Choose This New Year

A young Indian father doing work out with his kid

The past couple of years were full of unexpected events that affected people worldwide. Many children have developed habits that make it difficult for them to stay healthy. But children are very flexible and can quickly change their habits. Parents, being the ones children look up to, can introduce healthy practices in their kids’ lives […]

7 New Year Resolutions for Kids’ Healthy Living

New year resolutions for healthy lifestyle

The past couple of years were full of unexpected events that affected people worldwide. Many children have developed habits that make it difficult for them to stay healthy. But children are very flexible and can quickly change their habits. Parents, being the ones children look up to, can introduce healthy practices in their kids’ lives […]