Life-Changing Healthy Habits For People With Diabetes

Life-Changing Healthy Habits For People With Diabetes

New Year is the perfect time to change stubborn, unhealthy habits and discover an improved self. Most people make new year resolutions that include cutting down junk food intake, losing weight, and adopting several healthy habits. This becomes more important for people with diabetes. Controlling your blood glucose level is the best way to reduce unnecessary visits to a clinic.

Here are some recommendations to achieve health goals to effectively manage your diabetes this new year.

1. Include a workout in your daily routine

Daily exercise of at least 30 minutes is a must for people with diabetes. Start with mild cardio and move to weight training. If this seems hard, just walk. Walk for 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of floor training. These 30 minutes of your day can have a major positive impact on your health. Exercise is helpful for many health conditions and improves blood glucose levels too.

You should:

  • Remember that an exercise routine is the easiest way to lower the effects of diabetes.
  • Choose your favourite form of exercise: Dance, Zumba, Swimming, Walking, Tennis, Badminton, etc.
  • Join a gym with a group of individuals having a similar goal.
  • Schedule your exercise routine with high-end technology that monitors your vitals and gives reminders for scheduled blood glucose checks.

2. Plan a healthy meal

The food we eat has a huge effect on our health. People with diabetes should build a healthy meal plan. You can always enjoy the food you like, but you need to decrease the portion size and frequency. Healthy eating habits are pivotal for diabetes management.

Here are some pointers to keep in mind while devising your meal plan:

  • Add vegetables, fruits, whole grains, proteins and nonfat or low-fat dairy.
  • Manage your intake of carbs. Carbs can be a part of your diet, but you need to make smart choices. Some refined carbs like rice, potato, white pasta, and white bread have a high glycemic index, which means they raise blood glucose levels very quickly. Try substituting starchy food with wholegrain pasta, brown rice, and whole-wheat bread.
  • Increase fibre intake in your food.
  • Control the portion sizes and frequency. Even if you are choosing the best carbs for your meal, you still need to watch the portions you eat during the day.
  • Check with your doctor on the best amount of carbohydrates you should consume at each meal.
  • Keep yourself hydrated. Choose water in place of soda or aerated drinks that can spike your blood glucose levels.
  • Add nutrition drinks to your diet in consultation with your halthcare profesional.
  • Avoid bedtime snacking as this causes an increase in blood glucose levels while sleeping

3. Keep a check on your glucose levels

The best way to manage your glucose level is to be constantly aware of it. The number of times you must check your blood glucose levels is determined by the type of diabetes and your medication. You can reach out to your health provider and enquire about what is best for you.

4. Get adequate sleep

Nothing can substitute a good sleep. To stay healthy, you should never deflect from your sleep schedule. Create a bedtime routine for maintaining consistency and getting quality sleep. Add warm nonfat milk with supplements for good sleep.


Being aware of the importance of healthy eating habits, sound sleep, exercise, and regular checking of glucose levels makes diabetes management easy. Adding sugar-free supplements like Prohance D ensures that you get all your nutrients without spiking your glucose levels. Prohance D is a nutritional protein powder for diabetics enriched with fibre and healthy fats that aid in weight management.

So, don’t look further; manage your diabetes by making smart choices and adding Prohance D to your healthy meal plans.

Disclaimer: This blog/publication/editorial/article is meant for awareness / educational purposes and does not constitute or imply an endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation of any Products. Please consult your doctor/healthcare practitioner before starting any diet, medication, or exercise.

Enhancing lives of people with diabetes through nutrition.


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