Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy: Diet Tips for Expecting Mothers 

Here’s How Much Weight Gain is Normal During Pregnancy

A wholesome diet is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle, and it is especially crucial if you are pregnant. Healthy snacking during pregnancy makes you feel active and supplies your baby with the nutrients it requires in the womb.

Although nausea and vomiting during the beginning months of pregnancy can make this challenging, a well-balanced pregnancy diet plan can help you maintain a healthy weight throughout this beautiful journey.

How Much Weight Should You Gain During Pregnancy?

On average, pregnant women require just about 300 more healthy calories a day than they consumed before they got pregnant. Also, a woman with an average BMI should ideally gain 25 to 35 pounds when pregnant.

Similarly, underweight women should try to gain 28 to 40 pounds, and overweight women require only 15 to 25 pounds extra during pregnancy. Moreover, pregnant women should gain about 2 to 4 pounds during the initial trimester and 1 pound per week during the rest of their pregnancy period.

However, if you are pregnant with twins, you should ideally gain 35 to 45 pounds during your pregnancy term. Also, it is crucial to maintain the appropriate weight when you are expecting twin babies because your weight affects the weight of your twins.

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Tips to Gain Weight During Pregnancy

There are various strategies you can employ to make sure you gain appropriate weight during your pregnancy. Mentioned below are some tips you can try for weight gain during pregnancy:

  • Try to take five to six small meals each day.
  • Don’t skip any meals; eat despite the nausea to ensure you get the required number of calories and nutrients.
  • Avoid eating junk food and look for their healthy alternatives instead. Dry roast potatoes for aloo chaat instead of deep frying them, for example.
  • Keep quick, light snacks with you, such as raisins, nuts, dried fruit, cheese and crackers, and ice cream or yoghurt.
  • Have peanut butter on bread, cookies, bananas, or apples. Consuming peanut butter during pregnancy can help a lot, as one spoon of peanut butter supplies you nearly 100 calories and 7 grams of protein. Using protein powders for pregnancy can help you gain adequate weight.
  • Add mashed potatoes, non-fat powdered milk, hot cereal, and scrambled eggs to your pregnancy diet plan.
  • Add extra butter, cream cheese, sour cream, gravy, and cheese to your daily diet.
  • Increase your protein intake. If the above dietary protein sources aren’t enough to meet your daily requirements, consider using protein powder for pregnant women.
  • Consult a nutritionist to get proper guidance and the most out of your meals.

Gaining the right weight can help guard the health and well-being of you and your baby. Nevertheless, you must not force-feed yourself or start eating for two to gain those extra pounds. Speak to your healthcare expert about following a proper diet during pregnancy.

If you have had trouble with your weight in the past, it can be a little difficult to accept the changes in your body right now. However, during pregnancy, which is a miraculous event that enables you to nurture a life within your womb, it is healthy to gain weight. You may find yourself worried about the increasing number on the weighing scale but try to relax and focus on yourself and your baby. Following a healthy diet and exercising regularly in moderation can help with healthy weight gain during pregnancy. If you are still having difficulty accepting your increasing weight, talk to your care provider about your concerns.

Why Include Proteins in Your Diet?

Pregnancy is quite taxing on your body, and you can cope better with bodily demands during this period only if you maintain a healthy weight. Hence, consuming a balanced diet that is rich in proteins is imperative during pregnancy.

This is because proteins play a vital role in your baby’s growth, especially during the initial two trimesters. While consuming fruits, green vegetables, and dairy products can keep up your protein levels, consuming healthy protein drinks can help regulate your metabolism and maintain a healthy weight. Consider supplementing your diet with Prohance Mom chocolate powder 400 gm.

What if I Gain Too Much Weight During My Pregnancy?

First and foremost, talk to your obstetrician and gynaecologist (OBGYN) if you think you are gaining too much weight during your pregnancy. It may not be alarming, but it is best to get the doctor’s opinion before taking any drastic steps to control your weight during such a delicate time in your life.

Additionally, here are some tips for managing weight gain during pregnancy:

  • Avoid consuming junk foods. However, if you are unable to do so, reduce the amount of junk food in your diet.
  • Consume lots of vegetables and fruits in your meals to get essential micronutrients and fibre.
  • Prefer toned milk and low-fat dairy products over full-fat milk and other such food items.
  • Say no to sugary beverages that claim to be fruit juices and get real fruits and make your own juice at home if possible.
  • Opt for beverages such as tea and coffee without sugar.
  • Practice moderate exercises and increase physical activity.
  • Reduce your intake of fats such as ghee and butter.
  • Avoid consuming highly processed food items in your weight gain diet during pregnancy.

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How to Track Weight Gain During Pregnancy?

Maintaining a digital tracker on your phone or noting down your weight every time you measure in a journal can help you create a suitable weight gain diet during pregnancy. Most women measure their weight during their doctor’s appointments, but it is best to get a personal weighing machine at home and measure your weight every week. Log in your weekly weight in an excel sheet on your phone or your journal with a date and time stamp. Additionally, if you feel like you may have gained or lost significant weight suddenly, measure your weight and note it down to discuss with your OBGYN later.

In Closing

Are you looking for the best protein powder for pregnant women that is natural and helps maintain your and your baby’s health? Look no further than Prohance Mom. It contains 25 vital minerals and vitamins that help provide the required nutrients during pregnancy. Also, this tasty nutrition supplements for women contains DHA that boosts your baby’s brain and vision development.

So, what are you waiting for? Indulge in the yummy taste of Prohance Mom to quickly fulfil your protein demands.

Disclaimer: This blog/publication/editorial/article is meant for awareness/educational purposes and does not constitute or imply an endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation of any products. Please consult your doctor/healthcare practitioner before starting any diet, medication, or exercise.


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